Friday, April 3, 2009

Recap: NYLC 09

So many things... You know I'm a list person, so here goes.  There are my 20 favorite things about the National Youth Leaders Conference:

20.  Getting to know Jorge Alvial a little better.

19.  Diddy saying, "Hi, Mommy!"

18.  Texas shaped waffles.

17.  Seeing behind the scenes of Fellowship Church (Ed Young).  Did you know they have approximately 3500 children EVERY WEEKEND?!

16.  "The horses' name was, Tuesday!"  Don't feel didn't make sense to me either.

15.  Lindsey jumping over the seats to attack Justin.

14.  Oreos from Cracker Barrel.

13.  Seeing where Alex Snow has come from and where he is.  He amazes me!  I'm so proud!

12.  Jason showing Jeanne his handshake...or something.

11.  Being up 60 out of 72 hours.  Then the last day, we went from 530am to 530am.

10.  Great ham sandwiches...EVERY DAY.  Shelly, Bre, Annalee, and Drake are great chefs.

09.  Realizing that youth leaders are dirty people.  We cleaned the worship center every night.  It was filthy!  

08.  Hanging that blasted Cadre sign for 2.5 hours.  Agghh!

07.  Nathan kissing Pastor Donald on the head.  Nathan's no longer with us, but it was priceless.

06.  "Pull up your pants, Pastor."  Killer quote from Craig Gross (  By the way, did you know 53% of pastors have visited porn sites in the past year?  Not good.

05.  Personal time with Pastor Richard and Pastor Darren.  Two of my heroes!

04.  Listening to Rev. G.H. Williams.  He marched on the front lines with Martin Luther King, Jr.  Amazing!

03.  Becca "droppin' it like it's hot" (according to Lindsey).

02.  Our " Texas" theme.  Thanks, Annalee.

01.  Forsaking Cadre time with Jeanne and friends to have heart time with my team.  The best decision I made the entire week.

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