Monday, March 8, 2010


Every Monday or Thursday, I will give a recap of the worship or small group experience from the night before (mainly for youth leaders). After meeting with my fictional creative team, I decided to name this weekly post, "The Day After".

SETTING: "The Society" small group.
FROLIC: Played "Monster Pong" for the first time. Same concept as "Beer Pong", but used Monster instead. [25 mins]
GRUB: Old Mexico. It's cheap &tasty. [30 mins]
TAKEAWAY: Expository study in James. Jason Robbins created the layout. Talk was open &real. Discussed trials &perseverance. Calm seas do not make good sailors. [25 mins]
WORSHIP: Individual worship &prayer, then ended in group prayer. "Fire Fall Down" by Hillsong United, "Here In Your Presence" by New Life Worship was on the playlist. Oldies, but goodies. [15 minutes]

Thanks to Josh Griffin for this idea. Hope it inspires you to give 100%.

1 comment:

  1. Recaps are great ideas--I love hearing about other groups and just people's personal thoughts, views and opinions about events!

    Your small group seemed like it went really well! So what's with this Monster Pong :)...
