Consider this...There's family all throughout scripture (the Father and Son, the Bride of Christ, etc).
The Church is suppose to function as a family. Sometimes it doesn't. Why? Because family doesn't just happen, it's cultivated.
Here are some things everyone can do to help. Forgive the alliteration...the preacher came out in me.
Proper Pats: Jesus let John's head lay on his chest. The way I see it, that's a hug.
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a hugger. Some say giving/receiving affection reduces stress. Greet someone with a hug today.
Praise: Jesus spoke life into people. He completely disregarded their social standing.
Today, within the first 30 seconds you run into someone, say something positive about them (clothing, hair, personality, etc).
Prayer: Jesus prayed for the disciples and us. Keep in mind, this is just before the cross.
Something simple, like this: "Lord, I pray you will bless and keep Jason. Cause your favor and your face to shine on him today."
Pen and Paper: Jesus wrote us 66 letters. Today, we call it the holy bible.
It's so simple, but so impacting. Pick a friend, grab a card and jot down something. Tell them you're thankful for their friendship or you appreciate them working in the nursery. I keep all my notes of encouragement.
Pioneer: Jesus didn't hesitate in approaching us. He came after us long before we came after him.
Don't be afraid to go first. Remember, we love because he FIRST loved us.
...let us not love in word or talk but in deed... 1Jn3:19
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. Jn13:35
...encourage one another and build each other up... 1Thes5:11
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Rom12:10
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